Category: <span>Culture</span>

How strange the academic question is

Coming back from an academic conference, I’m reminded that the thing I love most about academics is how they ask questions. Normal people start out by saying:  “I don’t understand,” or “That’s bullshit,” or “Uhhuh… what the hell are altmetrics?” All of which are valid statements. Academics, on the other…

Culture and values in the workplace

I’ve been studying knowledge management this term, and find ‘workplace culture’ intriguing: what do we attend do? what does a leader value and promote? how do leaders and followers, colleagues and loners, interact together to create organizational culture? And even more than before, I appreciate the opportunity that working…

Being a better manager

My first embryonic manager experience was not my strong point. Working on a research team in Mongolia, I was suddenly set in charge of two feisty local girls while our leaders were out of the country on side trips (story). Hmm. Those two were a disaster, but I also wasn’t…

Being a better assistant

Having spent years in assistant roles, it has been intriguing recently to manage new assistants. Compared with prior posts, helping to manage has me seeing many ways that I could have improved as an assistant in the past. So if you’re trying to train your new manager, or yourself, here…

Bailing out the American economy

Steven Gray’s article, Can the Black Middle Class Survive, has stuck with me. I remember his excellent work as a reporter on Detroit for TIME magazine. Yet after a painful layoff, he lays out the challenges that middle-class Blacks faced in the recent economic tremors of America: the average black household’s wealth fell by more than…