Category: <span>Kazakhstan</span>

Kara Jorga, Kazakh style!

Қара Жорға (Qara Jorga) is a popular dance song in Kazakhstan. My first connection with it is when my infant host brother was trained to perform it for houseguests. Snapping his little fingers and moving around, he’d dance around on his little toes and everyone would clap and give him…

Translating the Kara Jorga song

Қара Жорға (Qara Jorga) is a popular dance song in Kazakhstan. You can see a great “traditionalized” version made by Kazakhs in China below: So watching this on TV recently during the spring Nauruz holidays, I decided to try and translate it. I’ll talk more about the song in…

8 March: Happy Women’s Day!

Children have been bringing in lavish flowers, chocolates, perfumes, and presents for their teachers over the last two days at Bilim-Tilim* school, and today we have the day off work. The Soviet holiday to honor women’s domestic roles, Vosmovo Marta (8 March) is still well-loved here, and outshines the…

How Kazakhs name their children

As I’ve written before, I love learning about people’s names, and I ask people about their names at every moment that might *possibly* be culturally appropriate. So this summer, I met a woman with two daughters. “Who named your children?” I asked. Gulnar* tells me that an elderly relative…