How much money do librarians actually make?

How much money do librarians actually make?

I’ve spent a little time playing with infographics recently. is a pretty user-friendly service that let me pull together the graphic on young librarians below. The data and quotes are from Library Journal, my survey of recent MLS grads, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (but see ALA). I share this with caveats;  as Brett Bonfield wrote on the library blog ITLWTLP regarding data about librarians:

“Because we do not yet have access to reliable, real-time data, we are left with imperfect, occasionally confusing information.”

I’m sure these numbers would vary significantly if drawing from different samples than those captured above–yet I hope this is still useful for discussion.

Have an infographic you’ve made? I’d be curious to see it!

Interested in using data as a librarian? There’s a great facebook page for databrarians here.

Thoughts? Leave a note here!