Paper Humans

How to barbecue dumplings

As you know, this blog is named for tasty, tasty dumplings. So to make sure it’s not false advertising, I occasionally post some dumpling recipes. Below, a recipe for barbecue-glazed pork dumplings that I recently made with friends, with pictures: Barbecue-Glazed Pork Dumplings Ingredients (makes 45): 8 oz red cabbage,…

What not to say to Christian women

I’m loving the conversation about #ThingsOnlyChristianWomenHear. It’s hard to hear the stories–and frustrating when people protest that “not all Christians…” or “but what about X religion?” without pausing to listen. And yet… it’s helpful to hear women express the frustration of being told that the genders are equally honored–while…

Connecting through poetry

I recently spoke in my faith community about how poetry connects us to each other and out into the world. If you’re interested, you can listen via this link (starting at minute 35), or read the full text of my reflections below.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Where can I go from your…

A three-day elopement

So last month, we got married! By which I mean, we eloped two days after we got engaged. For all those with questions, here are some reflections: 1. The engagement I am very utilitarian, so I tried to propose to the gentleman over Skype. But it seems proposals should be…