Paper Humans

When do you have enough?

I still remember the day that my fellow student Joe Vohlers died. News spread quickly on campus, and we set aside textbooks to gather in cramped dorm rooms, televisions blaring. We were stunned. Joe had keeled over suddenly from heart trouble, gone from the popular crowd to — dead,…

How to grieve a good move

I wrote this a year ago as I was moving across the country. And yet I held it close, because it felt taboo. We’re supposed to get excited about what feels good in our bones, right? Instead, I felt the Wrong Emotion: grief, layered on expat grief.

Who does the choosing in life?

I started this (too long!) essay about two years ago. Dear reader, feel no obligation. This is imperfect and at times inelegant, but I’m posting to refer to and build upon in the future. 1. Choosing to be a Homemaker I didn’t start out caring about gender, the chromosomes and cultures…

Bookshelf: Colleges and Road Signs

I’m not inherently fascinated by libraries and bookstores, the way that some people are. Yet, as in the rest of the human environment (parks, city streets, trees, cafes, the workplace), I enjoy exploring and seeing what’s there. Which usually means I walk home with a stack of books. Which usually means…